International tax law
Tax structures for outward investment
Tax structures for inward investment
Cross-border restructuring
Selecting an optimal location for holding companies
Transfer prices and transfer pricing documentation
Transfer pricing models
Defending your transfer pricing during tax audits
Communicating with tax authorities (tax inquiries, EAS and advanced ruling inquiries, mutual agreement procedures)
Applying and interpreting double tax treaties
European tax law issues
Tax advice for domestic branches of foreign entities
Assisting with reporting duties for cross-border issues

Portfolio of cross-border services
In order to support your company well beyond the borders of Austria, you can draw on the expertise of our teams located at the CONSULTATIO-branch offices in Central Europe. In addition, we have been a long-standing member of the Nexia International network, and can therefore cater to your needs in 128 countries around the globe.
In this way we can guarantee you will receive advice at the same high quality standards internationally that you are accustomed to domestically. An ambitious program of congresses, seminars, special interest groups and discussion forums ensures knowledge transfer between member firms while also supporting key personal relationships. This allows international trends and developments to be detected at an early stage.